Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Crappy Graph 9-22-09

I have used crappygraphs.com to create a graph. This is a link to my published graph.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Google Site Assignment 9-10-09

Today, we created a web page using google. Here is a link to the home page of my site. Then, I added a page containing my resume. Finally, we used google calender and added it to our site.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Photo Story Project 9-3-09

I have created a Photo Story Project with pictures from my life. I added background music and descriptions of images. I've saved it in my files and uploaded it to YouTube. You can view my project by clicking on the You Tube link. I have also posted my video on Teacher Tube.

Google Docs Resume 8-27-09

Samuel J Bellotte Resume

I have published my resume on my webquest site and provided the above link.

I have created a link to my resume. It was created in Microsoft Word, uploaded into Google Documents, and then published to the web.

FTP 9-1-09

The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a way to store files on your computer. You can access these files from any computer with internet. This will connect you to the Library at Fairmont State University.